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Jul 21 2015, 12:00 PM (498 w, 3 d)

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Dec 9 2016

Halifax007 added a comment to T121931: "commandArtilleryFire" and "doArtilleryFire" do not work for mk6 mortar.

I did the tests also with vanilla arma 3 (no mods) version 1.66 139586

Dec 9 2016, 11:02 AM · Arma 3

Dec 7 2016

Halifax007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T121931: "commandArtilleryFire" and "doArtilleryFire" do not work for mk6 mortar.
Dec 7 2016, 3:12 PM · Arma 3
Halifax007 created T121931: "commandArtilleryFire" and "doArtilleryFire" do not work for mk6 mortar.
Dec 7 2016, 3:09 PM · Arma 3

May 10 2016

Halifax007 added a comment to T83474: MK6 Flares are not visible.


Please have also a look at this bugreports:

May 10 2016, 11:39 AM · Arma 3
Halifax007 added a comment to T83474: MK6 Flares are not visible.


Thanx for your fast answer.

That's the way we did tests with two human players. As you can see, in the 3. test there is the issue



No mods


All: 2022
Object: 2022
Shadow: 100


mk6gunner: this allowDamage false; setViewDistance 4000;
observer: this allowDamage false; setViewDistance 4000;
mk6: this allowDamage false; this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}];
quad1: this allowDamage false;
quad2: this allowDamage false;

Coordinates x y z

Battery1: 12826 16713 87
Position1: 12849 16680 91
Position2: 13376 16984 18
Position3: 14058 16445 17
Position4: 14639 16684 18
Illumination1: 13381 16907 18
Illumination2: 14138 16476 17
Illumination3: 14659 16753 18

  1. Tests -- Distances

Battery1 to Position1 = 40 meters
Battery1 to Position2 = 613 meters
Battery1 to Illumination1 = 588 meters

Position1 to Illumination1 = 587 metres / The observer can see the flares
Position2 to Illumination1 = 77 metres / The observer can see the flares

  1. Tests -- Distances

Battery1 to Position1 = 40 meters
Battery1 to Position3 = 1261 meters
Battery1 to Illumination2 = 1333 meters
Position1 to Illumination2 = 1305 meters / The observer can see the flares
Position3 to Illumination2 = 86 meters / The observer can see the flares

  1. Tests -- Distances

Battery1 to Position1 = 40 meters
Battery1 to Position4 = 1813 meters
Battery1 to Illumination3 = 1833 meters
Position1 to Illumination3 = 1811 meters / The observer can see the flares
Position4 to Illumination3 = 72 meters / The observer can't see the flares

The same results with the this mod:

May 10 2016, 11:38 AM · Arma 3
Halifax007 edited Additional Information on T83474: MK6 Flares are not visible.
May 10 2016, 11:38 AM · Arma 3
Halifax007 edited Steps To Reproduce on T83261: Strange artillery changes in 1.48 -- manual trajectory calculation -- the mk6 scope doesn't work.
May 10 2016, 11:32 AM · Arma 3
Halifax007 added a comment to T76756: Flares are useless (launcher).


It works. But i think the "timeToLive" option is a little to long.

class CfgAmmo
class FlareCore;
class FlareBase;
class Flare_82mm_AMOS_White: FlareCore

		timeToLive = 60;
		brightness = 200;
		intensity  = 1000000;


That "timeToLive = 60" should be enough.

There is also another issue:
The first player is the artillery observer or an infantry troup nearly close to the target. The second one is the mortar gunner. The distance between the mortar gunner and the artillery observer or an infantry troup is for example 1400 meters. The artillery observer or the infantry troup aren't able to see any flares or illumination bullets on target. If the artillery obeserver or the infanrty troup is closer to the mortar for example 300 meters, then they are able to see the flares or illumination bullets on target.

If we do tests with a virtual artillery support (without human mortar gunner), then it works...

May 10 2016, 8:08 AM · Arma 3
Halifax007 added a comment to T75923: MK6 mortar is not accurate on uneven ground.

Since the update 1.48 the manual trajectory calculation doesn't work. I did also tests with the ace 3.1.1 mod and "ACE_RangeTable_82mm" by using 1.48 -- no chance to hit any targets. If i use the 1.46 all is working fine:

Why are they doing such strange changes in an update? BI, please let us know, how we should now doing manual trajectory calculation, because we are playing with the "enableEngineArtillery false;" option.

May 10 2016, 7:48 AM · Arma 3