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User Since
Jan 25 2016, 1:58 AM (475 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Griz added a comment to T85914: When server gets 20+ players on it, 100% chance to crash within a hour..

Yes, we had deactivated all mods. We are receiving the same issue as the thread that all Bohemia officials have stopped responding to for almost 43 days =/

May 10 2016, 12:51 PM · Arma 3
Griz added a comment to T85914: When server gets 20+ players on it, 100% chance to crash within a hour..

More of an update. Server crashed with 10 people on, and there was no mdmp/bidmp files created. We waited for 5-10 min before shutting down the server.

Interesting things to note: A member left the game aprox 1-2 min before the crash and we never saw the disconnect message of that individual.

The Rpt. file became to big to upload so again I will use dropbox.

We understand Bohemia developers are busy, but we have 3 servers that are unplayable right now. Any immediate assistance would be a god send!

May 10 2016, 12:51 PM · Arma 3
Griz added a comment to T85914: When server gets 20+ players on it, 100% chance to crash within a hour..

Crashed again, we can't even play on our dedicated server. Any response would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: We are not even getting crash files at all. Only rpts.

May 10 2016, 12:51 PM · Arma 3
Griz added a comment to T85914: When server gets 20+ players on it, 100% chance to crash within a hour..

@razazel the mdmp file is to large to upload. What would you like me to do? I will leave a dropbox link here, if there is another prefered method of upload this please let me know and I will switch it over!

I have uploaded the bidmp successfully.

Note: Both the bidmp and the mdmp are from the Taki.rpt above!

May 10 2016, 12:51 PM · Arma 3
Griz edited Steps To Reproduce on T85914: When server gets 20+ players on it, 100% chance to crash within a hour..
May 10 2016, 12:51 PM · Arma 3