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GKDarius (Darius)


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User Since
Nov 18 2016, 1:08 PM (432 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 10 2019

GKDarius added a comment to T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..
I did not ask him restore my character.  I asked him to return my donator privileges. My donator role on discord and priority queue.  He asked my new steam account or I provided before hand. So, when he asked my old account I just said my friend/brother using it. But he had access to see my old steam account anyway. Since, steam account IDs stored for login queue. He saw i was banned. 
But all this time i was just dodging all the long awkward talk about my ban. I know it seems off but It is what it is.  People jump in decision when they see ban, and i just ignore. Steam community, modding community and others. Happens all the time.  Rules doesn't mention about Global bans or lying to admin or something. I got banned, was false positive but I payed the price. I lost 2.000 hours steam account with hundreds of screenshots from 0.49 till 1.05. Friends I made did not log for +300 days. 
What principles. Only goal he has, is to control the player community as he likes. And ban people. It is easy to get claims.  My team got killed by hacker shooting thru walls of castle from 1500meters away in the dark, with mosin/ PU scope. we reported, never got ban.
Nov 10 2019, 10:13 PM · DayZ
GKDarius added a comment to T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..

Oh i see it now what u were talking about. I don't want to get too defensive here. But, I must really protest that. Thinking of admin's character, It was obvious that he wasn't going to be objective. And I didnot want to mention ban and give him the excuse right away. Anyway, there is no point to discuss ethics. Lying or cheating, or not cheating. Even if I got unbanned I won't go back. This is feedback tracker. There was ToS violation, and admin rights abuse. And I thought that it worth to mention here. Appearantly, it is not worth. At least, i got this on archive here or smth. I wouldn't be suprised if i see someone else reporting the server. i already seen few reddit posts about admin abuse got removed,#

Nov 10 2019, 8:40 AM · DayZ
GKDarius added a comment to T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..

I fooled administrator? How? When?

Nov 10 2019, 8:26 AM · DayZ

Nov 9 2019

GKDarius added a comment to T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..

Yes, they do have rules channel.

Nov 9 2019, 1:48 AM · DayZ

Nov 7 2019

GKDarius added a comment to T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..

In addition, let me remind you that I am not complaining about my steam global ban.

Nov 7 2019, 11:14 PM · DayZ
GKDarius added a comment to T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..

As I stated above. I never fooled him. I have already you and him. I am software developer working abroad for foreign company. I am obligated to debug, understand and improve server performance. I use Cheat Engine as well as other memory scanners, debug tools, hex editors. I have same laptop that I play but also do working. It has happened to me more that once. All my accounts has VAC bans, because CE is getting picket all the time. I don't want to deal all these tickets and other things. i just buy new game and move on. This time Battle Eye picked CE as well. I don't mind that. BUT AFTERALL, I DID EXPLAIN HIM ALL THESE BEFORE. Please, check .RAR file that i provided with screenshots.

Nov 7 2019, 11:03 PM · DayZ
GKDarius added a comment to T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..

I do understand that logic. I was so pissed that time. I still am. I really didn't like his attitude towards players. He was treating some people, mostly turks, so bad. Even tho I donated to that server to maintain 110 slots and have better performance.

He just fabricated claim to ban me. In a way that was so obvious. Like also insulting my inteligence. and his last words were my server my rules.
Nov 7 2019, 5:57 AM · DayZ

Nov 4 2019

GKDarius added a comment to T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..

But having private server doesn't give him rights to ban people as he likes, on false pretenses? What about selling privileges? Buildings? Spawning guns for his friends? I don't care about my global ban on my other account. I already carried on and bought new game for my other account. I am used to it.

Nov 4 2019, 11:21 PM · DayZ
GKDarius created T146303: Admin abuse on one of the biggest private server..
Nov 4 2019, 9:36 PM · DayZ

Sep 7 2019

GKDarius created T144520: I am getting HUGE fps drops when I am shooting..
Sep 7 2019, 9:20 AM · DayZ

Jun 18 2018

GKDarius added a watcher for DayZ: GKDarius.
Jun 18 2018, 2:13 AM

Nov 18 2016

GKDarius created T121418: Dayz 0.61 Experimental Gun disappeared.
Nov 18 2016, 1:17 PM · DayZ