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User Since
Dec 18 2013, 1:23 PM (587 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

Froztiez added a comment to T87642: Game minimizing with two monitors..

I'd love to see this getting some attention. I find this a serious issue, at least on my end.

May 10 2016, 3:48 PM · DayZ
Froztiez added a comment to T87642: Game minimizing with two monitors..

Yeah it still seems like this issue persists. It seems like it's only affecting a few people, however for those few people it's a huge problem as we all know. So hopefully this issue will get some recognition.

May 10 2016, 3:48 PM · DayZ
Froztiez added a comment to T87642: Game minimizing with two monitors..

It't obviously the game that's the problem since as you said, in other games the mouse will move to the other monitor and invisibly hover over menus and other clickable "objects", but when you click the mouse it's still in the game. This doesn't happen in DayZ, well it moves to the other monitor, but when you click it actually minimizes the game and clicks whatever you were hovering over instead of activating what ability you've bound the left-click button to.

May 10 2016, 3:48 PM · DayZ
Froztiez edited Steps To Reproduce on T87642: Game minimizing with two monitors..
May 10 2016, 3:48 PM · DayZ