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Sep 10 2015, 5:32 AM (497 w, 5 d)

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May 11 2016

FrigginTommyNoble added a comment to T114205: Swapping main weapons while double carrying in static tents drops held weapon outside of tent..

This also happened to me while switching weapons in a military barracks (the ones with a bathroom and four "bedrooms" with bunk beds). The weapon was on the outside of the building clipping into the corner, which I assume is the localPosition(0,0,0) of the prefab or whatever the equivalent in the DayZ game engine.

May 11 2016, 7:23 AM · DayZ
FrigginTommyNoble added a comment to T106585: [PRIMARY REPORT] Random shaking w/o cold or painful status.

This also happened to me. I can't seem to get my player to stop shaking. I don't exactly know when the shaking started (what the root cause was), but there were two notable things that happened early in the spawn:

  1. I got drenched in the rain, then cold enough to get the "I am shaking" message
  2. I "hurt my leg" in the police station running down the spiral staircase

I solved (1) by making a fire inside of a house. Got status messages that I was warming up. Did not take my wet clothes off or wring them out, they dried by the fire.

I solved (2) by taking morphine on two different occasions.

Overall, here is what I have done to try and stop shaking, all to no avail:

  1. Made fire inside a house, waited by it for appx 10 mins (indicators said I was warm/dry)
  2. Taken morphine (2x)
  3. Applied splints (4x)
  4. Taken vitamins
  5. Made 2x fires, took off my pants/jacket (gorka pristine), and sat by the fires for appx 20 mins. Got many "You are warming up rapidly" messages, even appeared to hurt myself cause I got too close.
  6. I tried to "stitch myself up" and got an infected wound. I rode it out (no tincture), and during the "severely infected" stage, I even got the "I feel hot" indicator. At no time did the shaking stop.
May 11 2016, 3:05 AM · DayZ