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- User Since
- Apr 13 2013, 6:40 PM (623 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Fred41 added a comment to T67736: Incorrect ping value in "Network games on Internet" dialog.
I can confirm this issue too.
If Arma3.exe (client) is started as administrator, the showed ping times are realistic, if arma is started under normal useraccount a lot of servers (not all) in the list showing ping time of 2500 or an empty field for this value.
Fred41 added a comment to T65445: Newest CD key checking breaks HC.
As long as BI has no native solution for better (multithreaded?) script processing, it should be possible to use this HC (dedicated client) as a workaround.
(I know the Arma 2 engine a bit. A few months ago, i tried to reduce the login-time on full, long running dayz servers :/ )
I think it would be fair to make use of HC possible, without paying for one or more extra licences.
Fred41 added a comment to T63002: Sophisticated considerations on how to get rid of the blurry mid range textures.
... what a difference, thanks for your work NordKindchen ...