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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 12:10 AM (625 w, 6 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Flawwoo edited Steps To Reproduce on T59010: Unable to lean the helicopter sideways while using auto hover.
Flawwoo edited Steps To Reproduce on T58899: Land vehicles when acceleration gears up like someone that has never driven with a stick before..
Flawwoo edited Steps To Reproduce on T58891: Doesn't go back to the old stance after running..
Flawwoo added a comment to T58891: Doesn't go back to the old stance after running..
Hmm it happend to me like all the time. Don't know what may have caused it.
Flawwoo added a comment to T58667: General low fps, on autodetect settings.
Same problem here. Even on lowest settings i get under 60fps most of the times. But never under 50. On ultra i get around 20-30 fps sometimes even lower.
System specs:
i7 3770k 3,9ghz
16gb ram
Asus GTX 680 4gb SLI