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- User Since
- Feb 27 2025, 5:37 PM (4 w, 4 d)
Thu, Mar 6
This particular crash that has appeared after 1.27 is on our end and we are working on a fix
Has there been any communication with BI about this issue? I haven't checked back on Expansion Discord, but last I read they were also thinking these are BI issues.
Sun, Mar 2
Seems to be something else other than just airdrops causing this.
Mar 1 2025
And here you go. Only using Expansion Base Building Airdrops. Crashed on the third one.
On Sakhal test, one of two airdrops completed successfully. I think this is why its hard to nail the problem down. Some airdrops are "randomly" working. But overall, if you disable them, your server should run.
So far, my Chernarus and Sakhal servers crash the same, if Expansion Airdrops are running. Someone above said that Expansion team is discussing it on their Discord.
Feb 28 2025
I'm an idiot. So, yeah, I did have random supply drops running on both servers. The C130 drops from Expansion.
Feb 27 2025
Looking at my growing list of restart times, the server crashes appear to be about 40 min apart, on average. Which happens to coincide with a few of the static events... Thinking about making all of them inactive to test.
Server 1:
Also have exact same problem on two servers.