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- User Since
- Nov 23 2020, 12:07 AM (222 w, 6 d)
Nov 23 2020
Nov 23 2020
FalloutTechBoy added a comment to T155286: Sever 9884 been down for 20 minutes .
6226 and 6418 been down on xbox for almost 6 hours.
FalloutTechBoy added a comment to T155276: Server 6418 is down.
Ya, I've been waiting 4 hours for it to come back.
FalloutTechBoy added a comment to T155281: cooking pot/pan bug.
This has happened to three of my pots on xbox,there missing, can't have the tank and stove and pot together, they will be removed from Inv
FalloutTechBoy updated the task description for T155282: Server down 6418 and 6226 on Xbox official..