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- Jul 16 2013, 11:03 AM (610 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Nothing is shown at 3:13. Attached is a picture of 3:13.
Like I said earlier "But both seats should be able to do everything (If it is like the Commanche)" However in Arma 3 this is not the case. The rear seat piloting can not use flares and the front seat gunning can not target lock.
I can understand how someone who is not used to flying helicopters wouldn't immediately understand these concepts. Most vehicles of both land and air put the driver/pilot in the front for the best view. Having the best view means being able to see better, and obviously seeing better helps you drive/pilot better. But attack helicopters have to take into account more than just driving/piloting.
Attack helicopters are designed so that the gunner leads the pilot.
The gunner constantly scans for targets, both with optics and the naked eye while the pilot focuses entirely on the helicopter position. The gunner spots the target and then informs the pilot to move accordingly. This is why the gunner should have the best view and the pilot should be snug with the center axis for best handling of the cyclic. The seats help them do their jobs easier.
I recommend the seat defaults be reverted and/or unlock both seats to give 100percent functionality for both piloting and gunning (Flares, locks, etc.)
So far no freezes since the patch. It so far looks like they fixed it. Thank you!
Attached is my most recent crash playing the sling load mission with all mods turned off.
Thank you for looking into this, I would like to get back to flying once again.
Same here X39
Attached are the crash logs for the most recent freeze.
Yes, I have verified it. It worked great all the way up to November 4th, I played the Huron/Taru fine all that day. But then November 5th it started. Now I find that it is most likely if the Huron is loaded. I can fly the Taru for a bit before a freeze, but eventually one will come.
Happens to me too
Confirmed, Track IR is now broken. I thought it was because I updated my joystick driver today, so I did a fresh reinstall of Arma3 Beta. It worked fine directly after install, but returned with the most recent update. Now if I slightly move my head to look around instead infantry movement will move in the opposite direction but greatly amplified, eventually spinning rapidly. It makes playing infantry impossible now.