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- User Since
- Apr 15 2018, 3:50 PM (360 w, 2 h)
Aug 22 2018
Hi, I feel ashamed That I didn't saw your answer back in May ... I was so desesperate i let arma 3 down. With new update i try again and still crash ...
May 24 2018
UP a month latter nothing has change I'm still crashing.
Apr 26 2018
Is that possible for to downgrade Arma 3 to a version prior to DLC Tanks ? (I mean the exe + datas) So I can test If I crash on this previous version ?
Apr 23 2018
Yep, just tested with dev branch 1.83 :
Apr 21 2018
As expected, seems to work in 32 bit for this simple mission and the teammate mission (papi dans les orties V3).
NOTE : I crash also on several other mission that don't necesserally have boat, so it is not the fault of the boat, but since i can easily reproduce crash with this very simple vanilla mission, maybe it will help hunt the bug.
OK, I work on this issue all afternoon.
I get back to the original and first mission that make me crash : papi dans les orties V3
Apr 20 2018
I created those tracker :
Apr 19 2018
Yes it seems to related to mod.
Apr 17 2018
Just did a memtest86, test 2 -5 - 8, 4 pass, no error.
I keep monitoring my PC during this period :
Ok I was alt-tabbing meanwhile, letting my arma3 running in background. Then I come back to arma (main menu) and chose virtual arsenal and then it crash ! I wasn't even trying to load a mission !
Some update : I manage to make this test mission work in 64 bit when not loading ACRE2 addon.
Apr 16 2018
Note this crash in 64 bit. In 32 bit this do not crash.
I create a PBO of this test (still crashing everytime)
Ok another test that crash the game, at least 2 time in a row (i can test several time again if needed) :
Crystal disk is clean for both my SSD, and tried both of my 4GB ram alone, and crash every time too.
Thanks for your answer.
Apr 15 2018
I want to add to, and I don't know if it's related, I also experienced a strage bug at the same time : Whenever I shot (whatever weapon i use) the fire sound is bearly audible like there is no sound ... And it is only for me firing, I can hear other fire sound from other people normal !
And now another error : 0x000000FF - Unknown
Tried in windowed mode it crash with a bad_module_error, and got this report : 0xC0000409 STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN