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User Since
Apr 9 2013, 6:51 PM (624 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

ElJefe added a comment to T65369: Suggestion: Multiplayer server filters need to be more extensive.

I agree that the issue is related, but my post is different and more specific.

May 10 2016, 1:57 AM · Arma 3
ElJefe added a comment to T65369: Suggestion: Multiplayer server filters need to be more extensive.

Sorry about listing it as major. I'm a noob to alpha testing and this is my first post. I changed it to "feature". I hope that is more appropriate.

May 10 2016, 1:57 AM · Arma 3
ElJefe edited Steps To Reproduce on T65369: Suggestion: Multiplayer server filters need to be more extensive.
May 10 2016, 1:57 AM · Arma 3