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- User Since
- Dec 7 2023, 7:52 PM (68 w, 10 h)
Mar 24 2024
Hugely disappointing, especially as Reforger is so promising in other areas. Would Devs care to comment on plans to support head tracking in future? Seems like a huge step backwards for the ArmA franchise if we won’t have this basic functionality which adds so much depth - and which was working fine out of the box on initial release!
Feb 25 2024
Hi all, no change in latest experimental build ( still unplayable with TrackIR. *sad face*
Dec 31 2023
I first noticed this bug in the 1.0 update, and most of the other reports seem to date from that period too.
Rogerx is quite right - TrackIR worked perfectly with Reforger out of the box on initial release, and I was very impressed. It would be good to have some acknowledgement this is being worked on!
Dec 7 2023
I’ve seen many reports of this issue on different forums and am experiencing the same myself. I find the issue makes track ir completely un-useable and thus renders Reforger borderline unplayable for anyone used to the head tracking capability. This has been a basic capability for any serious player since ArmA2 - please please can it be fixed ASAP as I would like to play more Reforger but currently find it impossible.