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EidosEmpress (Ada)


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User Details

User Since
Jul 27 2020, 9:43 PM (237 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

Jul 28 2020

EidosEmpress added a comment to How to report In-Game Bug.

Fire barrel and regular barrel issue
Most if the time items set inside a barrel will get stuck
Severity major
I have many items i have stored in my hidden barrels and i cannot get them out neither can other users

Jul 28 2020, 1:51 PM

Jul 27 2020

EidosEmpress added a comment to How to report In-Game Bug.

Title -> invisible washing hands in ocean dayz xbox
Description -> washing hands causes player to get stuck in tiny invisible circle, must crouch to get out. Hands dont always wash
Severity -major, time consuming and blocking ability to avoid illness
Reproducibility -> 90% for xbox user PorscheGeek
Steps to reproduce -> get hands dirty. Attempt to wash in ocean, attempt to move after, notice invisible wall and crouch and stand up repeatedly until able to move away
Additional Information
Other bugs with issues of other players seeing objects dropped. Items thrown will dissapear 50% of the time.

Jul 27 2020, 10:00 PM