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- User Since
- Jun 8 2016, 4:15 PM (458 w, 5 d)
Jun 1 2017
Jun 1 2017
EdStaffordZombie added a comment to T125270: melee kill on infected causes a walking bug.
This issue also happened to me after killing a guy in a melee fight. He was using a pitcfork and I was using a sledgehammer
May 26 2017
May 26 2017
EdStaffordZombie renamed T125082: Visual bug at dawn (0.62 Experimental) from Visual bug at dawn 0.62 Experimental to Visual bug at dawn (0.62 Experimental).
EdStaffordZombie renamed T125081: Performance hit when transition from night to day (0.62 Experimental) from Performance hit when transition from night to day to Performance hit when transition from night to day (0.62 Experimental).
EdStaffordZombie renamed T125081: Performance hit when transition from night to day (0.62 Experimental) from Performance hot when transition from night to day to Performance hit when transition from night to day.