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- User Since
- Jan 14 2015, 8:43 AM (528 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
EasyEB added a comment to T80758: Camera shake after 1.38 update.
Try disabling camera shake in the Difficulty meny, see if it helps.
EasyEB added a comment to T80758: Camera shake after 1.38 update.
Is the shake similar to this? (Video link in ticket description)
EasyEB added a comment to T80752: UAV camera shake at specified altitude.
Can confirm disabling camera shake in the difficulty menu solves the problem with the UAVs. There's of course no camera shake at all anywhere.
EasyEB edited Steps To Reproduce on T80752: UAV camera shake at specified altitude.
EasyEB added a comment to T80657: Ghosthawk Landing Gear remnant.
Uploaded another screenshot of the landing gear remnant.
EasyEB edited Steps To Reproduce on T80657: Ghosthawk Landing Gear remnant.