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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 11:45 AM (626 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 9 2016
UPDATE: After further testing, I've decided to use my CPU to run the physix engine rather than my GPU, it seemed to have helped a bit too. I now have no GPU load loss and the stalling has stopped completely.
Also, I've overclocked my GTX570 (classified) up to some high values, that also seemed to help a lot.
Unfortunately I couldn't edit the original report... I had to add a note to fix my mess. I was tired when I first written the report, couldn't find the correct words to explain everything in a way that could really be helpful but ... hey, if you bother looking down a bit, you'll see a better, much better performance report.
I've been trying since then to add more to the report as I kept on playing and experiencing with performances issues.
So yeah, thanks.
No problem Zalifer.
@SGTIce, I'll give it a try but for what's of the post processing, it didn't have any kind of impact on my GPU at all.
@Sgt.Knumskull, DayZ is giving the same kind of issue but at least the game make full use of my GPU before dropping it's load down to 0%.
UPDATE: After messing around with the settings a little, I managed to "fix" my GPU issues. Running @ 80%+ (still not a full load) and with virtually no "stall" at all.
I've went back to "auto-detect" settings, dropped the view distance a bit and it seemed to have help a whole lot. (Please note that I'm not sure if it has anything to do with what I did or if a patch was applied to actually improve this aspect of the game.)
PC Specs:
OS: Win 7 Home 64bit
CPU: Intel i5 2500k Sandy Bridge (Quadcore @ 3.4ghz stock)
GPU: Evga GTX570 Classified
Motherboard: Gigabyte P67AUD4B3 rev.1
Ram: Corsair vengeance 6gb DDR3
Issue encountered: GPU barely going over 20% load while playing and systematically drops to 0% while playing making the PC stall for a few seconds and then goes back up to its original state (20%)
Step to Reproduce: There's is not really a step to reproduce this bug/issue other than play & wait since it's systematic.
Additional Information: Please note that it happens in both multiplayer and showcase (single player) I have tried several video settings, from "recommended" to "low/disable" and I haven't seen much of a change, GPU never got over 20% load no matter what I did and it kept on stalling after a while (5/10mins intervals)
Don't get me wrong, I was having a good time and this ain't no rage post.
I'm sorry if you thought I was raging, I was not.
I was just stating that the alpha "for now" is almost unplayable at this time.
I also know that this is just an alpha and it's not meant to be optimized or anything as such, it's mostly there to let us see what it's going to look like (and it's also there for people to find majors bugs and stuff.)
Thought... if you wanna help me make this post a bit more helpful, I'll do my best in providing you all the info you need so that you can fix the issue for a later build.
Again, I'm sorry about my poor choice of words... this wasn't a rage post or anything as such, just trying to help.