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- User Since
- Aug 2 2014, 10:29 PM (548 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Dizzybob added a comment to T101484: Camo on rifles no longer works.
I got camo paint on my CR527, so works for me.
Dizzybob edited Steps To Reproduce on T101466: Spraypainting the C2527 Magazine.
Dizzybob added a comment to T101462: CR527 will not fire with a magazine inserted, only as a single shot without a magazine attached.
Have had two magazines for this gun, didnt have this problem with any of them.
Dizzybob added a comment to T101422: CRZ527 Mag paint it green turns into a green AKM mag.
happened to me aswell with black paint, also reported it here (ver. 47.124641)
Dizzybob added a comment to T101334: Loot cycling cause mass spawns.
Can confirm this, happened to me at the "animal feeding stations" in the woods many times. (ver. 47.124641).