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- User Since
- Dec 4 2014, 2:38 AM (534 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Dillpickle added a comment to T105870: Desync causes broken legs or death when on second story or higher..
I have not asked my friends what they saw my character doing while the glitch was happening, but I will try to remember to and then update.
Dillpickle edited Steps To Reproduce on T105870: Desync causes broken legs or death when on second story or higher..
Dillpickle added a comment to T105820: When scoping with mosin the scope shake is incredibly rapid and constant.
You can have a fracture without the status being shown.
Try morphine or a splint.
Still the scope sway is overdone in this game, but is not a glitch.