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User Since
Aug 23 2014, 7:27 PM (549 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Aug 20 2016

Deadlocked669 added a comment to T120004: Gear vanishing Bug Alive and Well Again.
This was the first server I joined when this bug happened

Aug 20 2016, 1:03 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 created T120004: Gear vanishing Bug Alive and Well Again.
Aug 20 2016, 12:52 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 added a watcher for DayZ: Deadlocked669.
Aug 20 2016, 12:19 AM

May 11 2016

Deadlocked669 edited Steps To Reproduce on T114930: Wall hacks with esp recorded.
May 11 2016, 1:38 PM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 added a comment to T114916: Hackers and more hackers.

like wise I just uploaded this video of a waller, they need a better way to punish these people like a VAC ban or a hardware cd key ban or something better, cause I don't see a clear deterrent other then 30$ and if you have an addiction and money 30$ is chump change, =[ it's unfair to those of us who play legit. and spend the time to do it the right way. Hackers 100% ruin my dayz experience 9/10 times and I hope Brian takes this problem to heart cause its way out of hand.

May 11 2016, 1:37 PM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 set Category to category:featurerequest on T114012: When the cargo/bedded V3S only has driver and passenger you should be able to load only heavy items into the bed.
May 11 2016, 7:16 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 edited Steps To Reproduce on T114013: Fill two V3S's full or with barrels for max desync then drive to the other car and magnets happen.
May 11 2016, 7:16 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 set Category to category:featurerequest on T114011: Barrels should be able to be sealed.
May 11 2016, 7:16 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 edited Steps To Reproduce on T113993: Public release posted 2 days ago on multiple forums with people confirming it works..
May 11 2016, 7:15 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 added a comment to T113974: Warm steak kills you.

Any freshly cooked food kills you if its in you bags or clothes

May 11 2016, 7:15 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 added a comment to T113962: Terrible desync and lag issues occur when trucks and barrel are used as storage compartments..

I have tested this issue and can say it most often occurs when you put any type of container IE. (clothing, protector cases, ammo boxes, etc.) at the moment I have two trucks about 150m apart and about 200m from camp and camp consists of 6 barrels of different level of full and the barrels are in a 100m area about 25-30m apart, running very smooth no desync, Pay attention to every new item you bring and store cause some items seem to cause it as well but mainly containers in barrels, tents or trucks cause desync leading to session lost.

May 11 2016, 7:14 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 edited Steps To Reproduce on T110118: Duct tape no longer works when trying to repair anything.
May 11 2016, 5:09 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 edited Steps To Reproduce on T109748: Game freezes when joining a game with background visible and inverted colors.
May 11 2016, 4:56 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 edited Steps To Reproduce on T107720: Prison Tower third floor hallway access door is can be walked through when shut..
May 11 2016, 3:45 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 edited Steps To Reproduce on T107718: Prison Tower stairs and catwalk wrap around Kills you.
May 11 2016, 3:45 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 added a comment to T102512: Loot not spawning in castle tower or on stairs to the wall North of Novy Sobor (X=074 Y=064) on any server..


May 11 2016, 12:31 AM · DayZ
Deadlocked669 edited Steps To Reproduce on T102512: Loot not spawning in castle tower or on stairs to the wall North of Novy Sobor (X=074 Y=064) on any server..
May 11 2016, 12:31 AM · DayZ