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- User Since
- Jun 30 2014, 1:34 AM (558 w, 2 d)
May 28 2018
May 28 2018
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Dat1080PGameplay added a comment to T101206: Unable to "drink all" my canteen.
I was also experiencing this issue on Experimental 0.47. Have yet to test on stable 0.47. It was like as if drink all from a canteen made the server die. EDIT: But just drinking 20% at a time worked perfectly fine.
Dat1080PGameplay added a comment to T100196: Military Boots (Black) Show up in expandable inventories..
It's not a bug, with the recent experimental update (0.47) you can attach certain knives to your boots (Needs to be military boots I think). Same with the boonie hats, you can attach fishing hooks to them.
Dat1080PGameplay added a comment to T100079: Walkie Talkies broken..
Still not working in 0.48 experimental.
Dat1080PGameplay edited Steps To Reproduce on T100079: Walkie Talkies broken..
Dat1080PGameplay edited Steps To Reproduce on T99827: Ability to dupe magazines/drums.