User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 12:06 AM (583 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Darkstrike set Category to category:playerstuck on T113646: Player stuck in house.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Darkstrike set Category to category:ingameui on T87870: Flickering / disappearing texture while character model wearing 'Designer Sunglasses' item in Main Menu.
Darkstrike added a comment to T87796: "Wait for host" "Server is full" or "Confirmation of changes".
This is NOT a bug with DayZ, it is an issue with Steam's Authentication servers.
This bug report should be removed.
Darkstrike added a comment to T86870: Can opening.
I didn't really mean this as a bug, just an important balancing adjustment, the devs are looking into it :)
Darkstrike set Category to category:balancing on T86870: Can opening.
Darkstrike added a comment to T86452: Portable gas lamp does not cast light.
Confirmed, tried to light up a lamp last night in two different houses with no visual effect. The Lamp itself "lit up", but no light was cast from it.