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User Details
- User Since
- Jun 4 2015, 11:15 PM (508 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
Darkem201 edited Steps To Reproduce on T115072: Netting is way too rare.
Darkem201 edited Steps To Reproduce on T114894: 0.59 EXP || Graphic glitch with UMP45 and a m68 CompM2 Optics.
Darkem201 edited Steps To Reproduce on T114879: Winchester Ammo package gives 40 instead of 20 ammo.
Darkem201 edited Steps To Reproduce on T114826: Painting a gun will make the chambered bullets disappear .59 EXP.
Darkem201 set Category to category:featurerequest on T113281: Ability to move while aiming with a makeshift bow.
Darkem201 set Category to category:performance on T113247: Game is stuttering with Windows 10.
Darkem201 set Category to category:items on T113246: Items on the ground disappearing.
Darkem201 set Category to category:characters on T112461: Too long unconscious effect.
Darkem201 set Category to category:weapons on T112412: AK74, MP5 Handguard not removeable.