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- User Since
- Jan 13 2014, 10:18 AM (583 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
DarkSoe added a comment to T93283: ACOG zoom exploid ( Sniping with m4 + ACOG ).
No, but that isnt a exploid,
thats only the result of free configurable "Field of View".
You can also do this with Moisen.
If you do not know what is "Field of View",
DarkSoe added a comment to T93146: Rubberbanding.
confirm, i had backport for 2 times, too.
first time - run with weapon in hand from Cherno to Elektro (over the hill where in the mod spawning two atv's)
secound time - run from stary sobor to novy sobor, without a weapon in hand
DarkSoe added a comment to T93145: Gas powered lamp not functioning as a lamp.
the lamp works, but there is a bug.
- go to a night server, serch a gas cylinder
- now search a gas lap and combine it
- turn it on and it will work
- turn it off
- disconnect
- connect and turn it now on, it will only look like it is on, but no light.
- serch a new gas lamp and add the cas cylinder
- turn it on and it will work
DarkSoe added a comment to T93141: Duplicate Character.
oh, thanks. dont found it ^^
its the same.
DarkSoe edited Steps To Reproduce on T93141: Duplicate Character.
DarkSoe added a comment to T93134: Strange screen bug when leaving a server.
You only need to go into Otions->Video, now you screen is fixed ;)