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User Details
- User Since
- Aug 30 2014, 8:14 PM (551 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
DarkBlade edited Steps To Reproduce on T110571: caracter visual bug.
DarkBlade added a comment to T110143: Crash on join.
i already fixed it , seems you have to restart your PC and DayZ will work again
DarkBlade set Category to category:gamecrash on T110143: Crash on join.
DarkBlade set Category to category:inventory on T109872: MP 73 RAK bug.
DarkBlade added a comment to T109796: Garden lime causes that vegetables seems to be instantly rotten.
and for the pristine thing that doese't matter becouse that the condition of the item .
DarkBlade added a comment to T109584: 0.55 - Game freezes when trying to join a server that goes full at the same time.
i didn't have this issue
DarkBlade set Category to category:featurerequest on T109583: Suggestion for farming & fishing.
DarkBlade added a comment to T109581: PERSISTENCE information not in all server details!.
this should be good
DarkBlade added a comment to T108985: Masive FPS drop sometimes.
my graphic card is an Nvidea Gforce 520mx
DarkBlade added a comment to T108985: Masive FPS drop sometimes.
still happens , i added the dxdiag file
DarkBlade added a comment to T108985: Masive FPS drop sometimes.
Geez i'm not using any parameters
DarkBlade set Category to category:performance on T108985: Masive FPS drop sometimes.
DarkBlade set Category to category:items on T108954: Flare bug.
DarkBlade added a comment to T102804: i am stuck.
how much does it take to respawn my caracter
DarkBlade set Category to category:playerstuck on T102804: i am stuck.