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- User Since
- Apr 24 2014, 11:04 AM (568 w, 6 h)
May 10 2016
Thank you for your hard work :)
I added a mission.sqm. Just load it with the editor, click on preview and try to deactivate the IED.
there are buried and unburied ones
i meanshooting straight ahead while swimming. i also discovert a bug. it is possible to shoot while swimming, but only with the "swimming up" and "swimming down" buttons. if you press the trigger in these two actions your character will shoot and the bullets will travel in the direction your weapon is pointing, which is to your left side to the bottom.
anyway, what's important is the movement ability. It would add much more immersion to the diving experience if you would have to pay attention where the bottom and the surface are.
I get what you mean but at least it would be possible to shoot straight ahead without using the ironsights.
If you go diving in game you will notice that you can not maneuver freely. It is basically the same as if you where on land with the only difference that you can move in three axis and you are only able to fire while being still. So, all the features mentioned above are NOT on the game.