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- User Since
- Nov 6 2021, 6:50 AM (176 w, 5 d)
Nov 6 2021
Nov 6 2021
CyclopsPR7990 added a comment to T161755: Hit markers PC Experimental Update 1.15 - Version 1.15.154306.
Just created this account upon finding out of the damage indicator on the experimental branch. In my 1000+ hours on console and 600+ on PC i have never been mad at being sniped, not knowing where it came from, it just makes me wanna get better and pay more attention to my surroundings,honestly it would kill the immersive experience dayz provides. Keeping track of your surroundings is BIG on the game, deciphering where, and how far the shot came from in order to fight back, and if not, well better luck next time.