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CrazyC4rl (Carl)


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User Since
Tue, Mar 11, 5:18 AM (15 h, 14 m)

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CrazyC4rl added a comment to T189876: Server crash when SaveCurrentFSMState is called by engine..

This is a live server, we're not in a position to remove mods. We've provided dump files for analysis in the hopes of narrowing down the issue, any information you can provide to this end would be appreciated, as we don't have access to the debugging symbols that you do.

Tue, Mar 11, 6:54 PM · DayZ
CrazyC4rl added a comment to T189876: Server crash when SaveCurrentFSMState is called by engine..

Hello CrazyC4rl.
This looks very similar to, in which the reporter mentions its possibly caused by the expansion mod. Please check if you run the mod and try to disable it. If the crashes no longer occur then the issue is in the mod and there is nothing we can do on our end.

Tue, Mar 11, 3:02 PM · DayZ
CrazyC4rl added a comment to T189876: Server crash when SaveCurrentFSMState is called by engine..

The server is not running expansion.

Tue, Mar 11, 2:47 PM · DayZ
CrazyC4rl changed Reproducibility from reproducibility:none to reproducibility:random on T189876: Server crash when SaveCurrentFSMState is called by engine..
Tue, Mar 11, 5:29 AM · DayZ
CrazyC4rl changed Severity from severity:none to severity:crash on T189876: Server crash when SaveCurrentFSMState is called by engine..
Tue, Mar 11, 5:29 AM · DayZ
CrazyC4rl created T189876: Server crash when SaveCurrentFSMState is called by engine..
Tue, Mar 11, 5:23 AM · DayZ