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- User Since
- Sep 19 2014, 4:53 AM (546 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
CrackahJackk added a comment to T103438: Character wiped, now I respawn dead or can't connect to server..
Sorry, totally forgot about this. It's been fixed but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. I appreciate your very quick response. Thank you for showing that Bohemia is actually getting back into the full swing of development! Keep on making this game worth being addicted to!
CrackahJackk added a comment to T103438: Character wiped, now I respawn dead or can't connect to server..
Ironically enough, as I finally responded to your response, I was respawning in game. I returned to the game and found myself dead. Fortunately it is not the bug and my next respawn worked fine. I just thought that was funny enough to throw in there! Thanks again.
CrackahJackk edited Steps To Reproduce on T103438: Character wiped, now I respawn dead or can't connect to server..