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- User Since
- May 27 2013, 9:31 PM (614 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Col_Anderson added a comment to T80763: Game Crashes randomly after a random period of time.
Finally, I had a crash with no mods enabled :)
Col_Anderson added a comment to T80763: Game Crashes randomly after a random period of time.
Arma added with crash reports of vanilla
Col_Anderson edited Steps To Reproduce on T80763: Game Crashes randomly after a random period of time.
Col_Anderson added a comment to T80763: Game Crashes randomly after a random period of time.
Could not reproduce without mods. However, when i readded @CBA_A3,@DragonFyre. This time with a modal dialog error message (see screenshot). I also updated the Nvidia driver to the latest version (new dxdiag attached)
Col_Anderson edited Steps To Reproduce on T69536: Field Of View (FOV)-lock resets when using weapon sight.
Col_Anderson edited Steps To Reproduce on T67338: Rangfinder/Binocular will be equiped as handgun when prone.