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- User Since
- Dec 19 2014, 9:07 PM (531 w, 6 d)
Jun 1 2016
Jun 1 2016
ChrisChris edited Additional Information on T117012: huge FPS drops near SHIP on the coast (north) [with textures flickering and ultra low quality].
ChrisChris updated the task description for T117012: huge FPS drops near SHIP on the coast (north) [with textures flickering and ultra low quality].
ChrisChris added a comment to T116979: huge drop in FPS, in the cities of Vybor and Lopatino .
ChrisChris added a comment to T116992: Player body despawning.
It may be caused by played which died. After You respawn (You died), you are shorly after respawn able to use "F" with option HIDE BODY, which seems to be Your body. Need someone to test this with.