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Player body despawning
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After killing a player I began to loot his body, I removed the backpack from his body to vicinity and his body disappeared along with all loot other than the backpack that was now on the ground. Not sure if removing item triggered this. Player had only been dead for around 30 seconds when his body disappeared.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Possibly dragging gear from a dead players body to vicinity.

Event Timeline

bellyfrog created this task.Jun 1 2016, 6:33 AM

It may be caused by played which died. After You respawn (You died), you are shorly after respawn able to use "F" with option HIDE BODY, which seems to be Your body. Need someone to test this with.

I don't think that is the cause, as I died to a glitch in a house and when my friend looted my body, my body also despawned immediately after he looted one item from it, and I did not press anything to hide my body. Could have possibly done it by accident without realising though.