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User Since
May 4 2017, 3:09 AM (408 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

May 7 2017

CaptainRodgers added a comment to T124112: Issue with Sound in 1st person on 64-Bit ARMA 3 stable - Lag - Stutter - USB 7.1 headset & AMD CPU.

@TheMasterofBlubb I have and the problem is still present. I understand 32-bit is still and available option and I am playing on it currently, I know that BI will stop supporting it at some point in the future. Do you know if this is the issue only exists with AMD CPU's, if there are no issues with Intel CPU I might just upgrade the system?

May 7 2017, 7:56 PM · Arma 3

May 4 2017

CaptainRodgers added a comment to T124112: Issue with Sound in 1st person on 64-Bit ARMA 3 stable - Lag - Stutter - USB 7.1 headset & AMD CPU.

I have been having the same issue with my rig.

May 4 2017, 3:19 AM · Arma 3