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- User Since
- Jan 27 2014, 3:08 AM (580 w, 13 h)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
BrainwashingtonDC added a comment to T75439: Combine Rounds left in Mags.
It was ment as an Information for Arma 3 Players where to test this feature in Combat thats all!
BrainwashingtonDC added a comment to T75439: Combine Rounds left in Mags.
On EUTW CTI Servers thers a script running for combining Mags. Just press STRG+R to have a window where u can drag&drop half empty magazines and combine them. Very nice. Miss it on other Servers. So if u like to test this feature go to the EUTW CTI Servers.
BrainwashingtonDC edited Steps To Reproduce on T75439: Combine Rounds left in Mags.