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User Since
Jan 29 2014, 11:28 PM (580 w, 13 h)

Recent Activity

Dec 30 2016

BorisYurinov updated the task description for T122532: Game crash [x64 Stable] 0.61.136821.
Dec 30 2016, 2:47 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov updated the task description for T122532: Game crash [x64 Stable] 0.61.136821.
Dec 30 2016, 2:46 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov updated the task description for T122532: Game crash [x64 Stable] 0.61.136821.
Dec 30 2016, 2:45 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov created T122532: Game crash [x64 Stable] 0.61.136821.
Dec 30 2016, 2:43 AM · DayZ

May 11 2016

BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T115975: Eating while holding a weapon and having a secondary weapon causes potential deadly reload animation.
May 11 2016, 2:14 PM · DayZ
BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T115974: ACOG and RV1 RDS scopes are missing crosshairs from reticle.
May 11 2016, 2:14 PM · DayZ
BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T115973: Server favorites keep disappearing.
May 11 2016, 2:14 PM · DayZ
BorisYurinov added a comment to T114804: Dropping items in tents/warehouse etc. cause them to disappear for good.

Yeah, I scoured the buildings and area around the item "vortex" but to no avail in all recent cases. In previous builds I noticed items you dropped would fly into the air and levitate depending on the building. You could sometimes aim your crosshair downwards and scour around for that "pickup item" indicator but in recent cases it's like the items drop out of reach, beneath the map maybe?

May 11 2016, 1:33 PM · DayZ
BorisYurinov added a comment to T114804: Dropping items in tents/warehouse etc. cause them to disappear for good.

Logging out/back into server does not cause weapon/item to reappear

May 11 2016, 1:33 PM · DayZ
BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T114804: Dropping items in tents/warehouse etc. cause them to disappear for good.
May 11 2016, 1:33 PM · DayZ
BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T114803: Cannot remove AKM handguard.
May 11 2016, 1:33 PM · DayZ
BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T114802: Painting guns cause attachments to disappear.
May 11 2016, 1:33 PM · DayZ
BorisYurinov added a comment to T112637: Clipping visor of lower integrity status onto Gorka helmet of higher integrity lowers helmet to level of visor.

Original condition of helmet was not restored upon removing visor. In actuality the visor should not affect the condition of the helmet. It would be like the tear off visor of a Formula One driver getting dirty and damaging the helmet. So looking at the overall condition of the helmet combining a lesser-quality visor the helmet drops down in quality - interesting. If that's how the mechanic works then there should be no real effect to the helmet and removing visor allows true condition of helmet to be seen.

May 11 2016, 6:31 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T112637: Clipping visor of lower integrity status onto Gorka helmet of higher integrity lowers helmet to level of visor.
May 11 2016, 6:31 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov added a comment to T104307: Game crashes with sounds.

I popped my older HD 5870 back in yesterday. Crashes solved. I played for about 2-3 hours across 8 servers in the same DayZ session. The loaner graphics card I was using must have been a bad apple =/

I would say it's safe to close out this ticket now.



May 11 2016, 1:37 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov added a comment to T104307: Game crashes with sounds.

Honestly, I would like to say that I am impressed with your response time, even though we have not resolved the issue as of yet. I can imagine you have at least a few tickets ;-) to deal with at any given time with DayZ in Alpha status. The other gaming studios I have dealt with sometimes can't even be bothered to reply to customers at all and if they do, all you get is a survey to fill out a month later about the quality of the service provided with no response to your inquiries at all. The parent companies in those situations didn't even care. That is an epic fail - I can say without bias that I will not be supporting those studios in the future with another purchase.

Again, keep up the good work.


May 11 2016, 1:37 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov added a comment to T104307: Game crashes with sounds.

I verified that hidden files and folders are shown, but I still could not see and .mdmp or .bidmp files in the AppData folder. I uploaded a DxDiag report.

I tried to play again last night and what happens in further detail is that the screen locks up and I can no longer move (although the mouse cursor stays unlocked) and I still hear ambient sounds from the game. When I press Ctrl-Alt-Del I still see the DayZ icon in the Windows Task Bar. Sometimes I can go back into the game to the same "frozen" screen, othertimes I cannot. It may be a coincidence but I think if I restart my PC I can play for a longer time before the game freezes. I didn't notice a difference when just killing the DayZ process and restarting the game, or exiting Steam and restarting DayZ.

I am carrying a large amount of nested (item inception) items in each piece of clothing and backpack as you can see I believe in the Boris.vars.DayZProfile file. It's like this (items not exact, just for reference):

Vest: A jacket filled with stuff nested + the 2 remaining slots in the vest

Jacket: Pants filled with stuff nested + the 2 remaining slots in the jacket

Pants: A jacket filled with stuff nested + the 2 remaining slots in the vest

Hunting Backpack: Combination of jackets and pants (6 in total) totally full

I really just need to find a tent and stop carrying so much gear - it's not practical I admit when you can't find what you are looking for in 5 seconds. I got into that habit when your clothing got ruined from a single zombie hit back in .48 and started carrying backup clothing since "ruined" clothing could not be repaired. Maybe it's a bit of OCD also LoL. I realize sometime soon item inception will be "patched" out anyways so I have to either find a tent or prune down my item count to an acceptable level that will fit in the top level of my clothing.

Anyways - do you think the large item count on my character is causing the game lockups? If that is the case I can start ditching some gear (I did last night already - This is probably causing an excessive load on the servers) and test the result. Please advise.

Best regards,


May 11 2016, 1:37 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov added a comment to T104307: Game crashes with sounds.

My PC is crashing in every game now, so it's obviously a hardware issue not specific to DayZ. I popped in another graphics card today, will test DayZ tonight and if I can play uninterrupted I'll update the ticket and you can probably go ahead and close it out after that.

May 11 2016, 1:37 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T104307: Game crashes with sounds.
May 11 2016, 1:37 AM · DayZ
BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T104000: Add cancel option to picking fruit.
May 11 2016, 1:26 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

BorisYurinov edited Steps To Reproduce on T101119: Players can clip under trees.
May 10 2016, 11:42 PM · DayZ