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- User Since
- Aug 11 2017, 9:04 AM (393 w, 2 d)
Aug 11 2017
Aug 11 2017
Benc added a comment to T125357: Player Locked slot issue after 1.70.
Any update @razazel? This is really affecting the joining of players and makes it hard for server to keep the population up. You guys need to work on keeping people more informed. You want people to make servers that people enjoy and tell their friends to buy //YOUR// product and play it, Lining your pockets while pulling the pants of us consumers down and thoroughly rustling our jimmies. I have no idea how hard it is to fix the issue so I wont pretend I do, If its going to take a week tell us, if its going to take a year, Tell us. Just for the love of everyone give us a answer! We are starting too loose faith in you BI! FIX THE DAMN ISSUE ALREADY AND SHUT US UP!