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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 4:57 AM (626 w, 2 d)
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
Basurero added a comment to T60681: Weapons.
yes i cant seem to hit anything at any range after scuba ; with diver unit and water gun
Basurero added a comment to T60192: Unit switched to ragdoll state in water will always sink to the ocean floor before recovering.
player doesnt seem to die but sink to the bottom and then regain consciuousness ; its just a long fall then. Its not a death bug then but still a bug
Basurero added a comment to T60192: Unit switched to ragdoll state in water will always sink to the ocean floor before recovering.
The player stays alive ; that is confirmed every time ; and after hitting bottom player regains control after 10 seconds or so
Basurero edited Steps To Reproduce on T60192: Unit switched to ragdoll state in water will always sink to the ocean floor before recovering.