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- User Since
- Mar 24 2017, 11:53 AM (418 w, 3 d)
Apr 10 2018
Apr 10 2018
Bahlye added a comment to T128110: Status Access Violation.
Am able to connect without issue now .
Bahlye added a comment to T128110: Status Access Violation.
To avoid opening another ticket on the same subject heres my Error report
Happens on most Arma servers and mods.
This one is from "Breaking Point"
Mar 28 2017
Mar 28 2017
Bahlye added a comment to T124001: AddonBuilder fails to initialize without Steam.
Thank you BISWiz :)
Mar 24 2017
Mar 24 2017
Bahlye added a comment to T124001: AddonBuilder fails to initialize without Steam.
I can understand why BI do things the way they do, they are after the Military dollars ..combat sims,VR etc ..its a business .. the money from potential and ongoing Package deals is always going to be the main focus these days ... It would just be nice if they would remember that without the Arma community, alot of whom only purchased Arma to play modded content that they wouldn't be in that "Game" to speak .
If its not going to break anything I can think of then why not make it optional . :(