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- User Since
- May 16 2019, 9:31 PM (306 w, 17 h)
Sep 6 2019
Sep 6 2019
AntonivkA added a comment to T137112: 1.0.150627 - LOOT TABLE/SWARM SPAWNING OF ITEMS.
This loot mechanic is very stupid. Who invented this?
There was loot mechanics, not perfect, but you could work with it. Now, all that you have done can be thrown away, because someone very “smart” came up with such a system.
Suppose, for what reason, the loot that should be in the police station is scattered in neighboring buildings? Teleported? Or is there a dwarf who carried it all there?
Why on earth is the loot that should be in the hospital scattered in neighboring buildings? Poltergeist again?
There probably is some kind of female logic, otherwise misunderstand.
May 16 2019
May 16 2019
AntonivkA added a comment to T139467: the sounds of hand-to-hand combat when walking in a crouching position..
This sound is heard when the VSS is in the hands.