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User Details
- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 9:04 PM (588 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Antivale set Category to category:weapons on T92165: Shoots can go trough items/players/zombies.
Antivale set Category to category:weapons on T92166: Bullets is veeery slow ..
Antivale set Category to category:weapons on T92161: I cant reoald Mossin Nagant or Magnum with R button ..
Antivale edited Steps To Reproduce on T89952: I can stay on one place when I moving.
Antivale set Category to category:multiplayer on T89637: Unlimited loot ..
Antivale edited Steps To Reproduce on T89262: Dead ladders.
Antivale set Category to category:items on T88736: When dropping items I must wait ..
Antivale set Category to category:characters on T88732: Moving and disapearing dead bodies.
Antivale set Category to category:other on T88730: Looting and then I get killed.
Antivale added a comment to T88723: Doubled Inventory Items in Hand.
Yeah man , I have same problem . But I must put full bottle from my inventory and I need to use that empty . Then I pick up that full bottle and walk away. :D
Antivale set Category to category:items on T87804: No drinks.
Antivale set Category to category:movement on T87803: Glitched to the wall.
Antivale set Category to category:general on T87798: Invisible T-Shirt.
Antivale set Category to category:movement on T87144: Movement bug.