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- User Since
- Jan 13 2014, 11:43 AM (583 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
Anaconda999 edited Steps To Reproduce on T93739: Weapon Cleaning kit degrades weapon condition to the condition of the cleaning kit.
Anaconda999 edited Steps To Reproduce on T93280: inability to move while changing stance OR equipping, unequipping weapons/items.
Anaconda999 set Category to category:items on T93145: Gas powered lamp not functioning as a lamp.
Anaconda999 set Category to category:items on T93144: "L", or any other preset buttons, does not switch headlamps on and off.
Anaconda999 added a comment to T90622: Water bottles on UI bar picks first bottle only.
ive also experienced this issue while trying to fill one of two canteens, never could equip the empty canteen in ui bar