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- User Since
- Mar 7 2015, 6:58 AM (522 w, 20 h)
May 11 2016
Since upgrading to my new CPU, Motherboard, and OS there have been no problems with DayZ. This can be closed now.
Something of note that I'll update later is the fact that I just upgraded my motherboard, CPU, and OS, so I'll update the information if the error persists when I'm on later.
Done, uploaded.
Went ahead and uploaded the txt file itself incase you didn't want the rar.
Nope. Used to run some but haven't had any on the past few days.
These crashes occur often, but the most annoying form is crashing while in a V3S. As matter of fact, me and a friend were driving to a crash site on the NW airfield and I crashed while in it, dieing and losing all of my gear without a chance of recovery. And I tried the limiting of memory ingame to 2048 Mb. It didn't help.