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Mar 8 2013, 3:56 AM (626 w, 6 d)

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May 9 2016

AlmightyDog333 added a comment to T60740: Make this game livestreamer-friendly.

To kid18120, unfortunately, a few minutes stream delay does nothing to stop stream snipers from finding your server, it only slows them from finding your exact position on the map by a few hundred yards (not even that if the player wants to hold in position for an ambush/sniper action). So, the impact on stream sniping is minimal, but the impact on direct player/streamer to viewer interaction is drastically impacted in a negative way. You often see the player/streamer take feedback from viewers real-time. That interaction is completely wiped out when you delay the stream.

To strangere, you say "last time i watched sacriel 50% of livsteam was constant complaining about VR engine and how it is worst engine in history".... I watch Sacriel/Chris stream a lot, and have never heard him say that. Yes, there are legit complaints sometime, but for every complaint, I see way more compliments regarding the game or how the game allows certain interaction (like the recent hit-and-run/neck breaking/triple backflip vid). But in the end, you can actually SEE what is onscreen that the streamer is complaining about and disagree if the streamer is being too harsh. Several times I found myself thinking "X problem is an acceptable trade-off for Y benefit".

May 9 2016, 9:56 PM · Arma 3
AlmightyDog333 added a comment to T60740: Make this game livestreamer-friendly.

Why is the positive vote stuck at 100? It was at 100 when I voted an hour ago. Odd. I think this web site needs some feedback of its own.

May 9 2016, 9:56 PM · Arma 3
AlmightyDog333 added a comment to T60740: Make this game livestreamer-friendly.

Watching video game streamers on TwitchTV, along with Youtube videos, has pretty much replaced traditional TV for me. It has heavily influenced my game buying decisions for the last year or so. I prefer to watch live streams of games I'm interested in prior to purchase, rather than Youtube videos, as there is no editing to make the game play seem better than it really is. With live streams, you really do get what you see.

Some server related GUI options for streamers would help to keep viewers from wandering off during the all-too-frequent server hops needed to stay ahead of the stream-snipers. Showing off a better game experience via streams can only yield positive sales results for BIS in the long run. Not to mention the 'good guy' factor your company will get when people notice you are willing to listen to the customers. I refuse to buy any more EA or Ubisoft games due to the way they treat their customers.

May 9 2016, 9:56 PM · Arma 3