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- User Since
- Aug 19 2019, 2:21 AM (278 w, 3 d)
Aug 19 2019
Aug 19 2019
AdamMiller2020 added a comment to T142949: NVG not working attached to helmet or headstrap.
Yes, please. For the love of all that is holy, add a button to bring down the NVG's while they are equipped to the Tactical Helmet and NVG Headstrap. Seems like something that should be easy and quick to fix so let's get a move on Bohemia...
AdamMiller2020 added a comment to T143572: Night Vision Goggles.
I love how when the devs are too lazy to fix something they just label it as "need more info" and "normal" concern. basically subliminally saying it wont be fixed for months :(
AdamMiller2020 added a comment to T143572: Night Vision Goggles.