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Night Vision Goggles
Need More Info, NormalPublic


It appears I'm having some difficulty with night vision goggles recently, I can't use them when I equip them to a Tactical Helmet or the NVG head strap, I can use the night vision goggles in my hand but not equipped.

Hopefully this can be fixed soon as it makes it awkward to use having to stop every minute to try and see where you're going.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Usable on hand, but once you equip it onto a head piece like a Tactical Helmet it will not work.

Event Timeline

ShadowGaming123 changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
ShadowGaming123 triaged this task as Normal priority.

Is this an ongoing issue with Xbox and possibly PlayStation? If so I hope it can get fixed at some point.

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Is this an ongoing issue with Xbox and possibly PlayStation? If so I hope it can get fixed at some point.

yes this is a problem with both consoles. there is no button to use them while they are attached to the tactical helmet or head strap.

I love how when the devs are too lazy to fix something they just label it as "need more info" and "normal" concern. basically subliminally saying it wont be fixed for months :(

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