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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 5:35 PM (627 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 9 2016
Grenades have varible fuses in reality. Given this is a simulation. "cooking a grenade" would be unrealistic. I gaurantee you, no one cooks a deadly explosive device with possibile innacurate detonation times in real life.
You have no clue how a greande works at all. That is apparent to me now. The fuse is not lit while holding it, it is lit upon relase of the grenade from the hand causing the lever to relase the striker. Once the striker is released the grenade will explode in 4 seconds (hopefully) once the fuze is lit. Call of duty or any other game that has used grenade cooking should not be refrenced for a source. Reality should when dealing with a simulation like ARMA series. Otherwise the point of calling it a simulation is irrelvant. There is not one person on this planet in a proffesional military who recommends cooking a grenade. If you find one, do not join them. They are idiots. Note I never said no one has ever done it, it is just damn stupid. The best alternative to tossing a grenade and reducing it's fuse time from being intercepted and thrown back, is to bounce the grenade off of a surface. THAT is trained by the military and the recommended method.