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- User Since
- Jan 5 2016, 9:15 PM (479 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
6rainbot added a comment to T115727: Battle-Eye / MOTD ruining content created by content creators.
As somone who can´t play DayZ because of a weak PC, i can only enjoy this beautiful game through Twitch, or YouTube. Every time a Streamer dies to a Streamsniper he has to re-gear again. Which often means no action for a minimum of 2 hours. Well i can switch to another Streamer that has gear, or is already in a firefight. But there are not many Streamers left worth to watch. The Streamers that are left and are worth of spending my time are getting rarer and switching to other Games because of things like these.
So please address this issue. It is a just a small thing that not only affects Player, but also affects content consumer too.