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User Since
Jul 31 2014, 3:02 AM (555 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

2ugly added a comment to T101253: Controls not working.

The just announced why none of our PC controllers no longer work even though they are still listed and bound in the control options. The game has gone console................. WOW very very very very very very horrible news. So it means it will never get fixed and .....can't say anymore. This is the end. What a waste.

May 10 2016, 11:47 PM · DayZ
2ugly added a comment to T99181: G13 Joystick + Xbox controller no longer in Devices.

Same with my CH Throttle the little thumbstick was great for analog forward/reverse left/right movement which it always worked in every version of OpFlash/Arma/DayZmod but now is broken in the SA version...................FIX IT or game deleted.

May 10 2016, 10:38 PM · DayZ
2ugly added a comment to T94696: Configure Controls Broken.

Was hoping this huge patch would have addressed what they broke in the previous patch. Haven't been able to play due to the broken controls.

I have a CH Throttle and Joystick that would show up in the game. Now they don't and none of the axis can be used for movement. I would only use the little joystick on the throttle for a analog left/right, forward/reverse while using the mouse. Used this option since day one in OpFlash and with the DayZ mod. Why would they ditch one of the best control mapping systems of any game I've played in favor of what they have now just blows the mind. It's a game breaker if they don't fix it. I don't use a gamepad for FPS and never will. I sure hope these devs didn't grow up on consoles.

May 10 2016, 8:04 PM · DayZ