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User Since
Jun 23 2016, 5:23 PM (457 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Jul 14 2016

21stFreak added a comment to T119373: Optics attached to FN FAL missing crosshair.

i can confirm that

Jul 14 2016, 11:56 AM · DayZ
21stFreak created T119381: Cannot light a Fire.
Jul 14 2016, 11:52 AM · DayZ

Jul 6 2016

21stFreak added a comment to T119125: Character punching air.

yes, it can also happen if you have something in your hands, like an axe

Jul 6 2016, 9:39 AM · DayZ

Jun 24 2016

21stFreak added a comment to T118081: Spawning naked/losing gear after relogging.

This happened to me twice, but the second time was likely a continuation of the first. On a public server, I was completely geared up with an m4 and an fnx. I had painted the m4 attachments green. I signed off for the day, and when I logged back in the next day I was stripped of all gear and my m4 was stripped of all attachments. The fnx still had its attachments except no mag. I relogged multiple times hoping it would fix itself, to no avail.

Using the same character, I then proceeded to gear up again. Luckily I was near NWAF tents. I gear up again and find an AKM with drum mag and experienced the same stripping of gear and weapons upon logging into a new server later that session.

Since that character died I've avoided the m4 and painting weapons/attachments and have not experienced the issue since.

Jun 24 2016, 7:00 PM · DayZ

Jun 23 2016

21stFreak created T118634: Vehicles and Tents turning northwards after Server Restart.
Jun 23 2016, 5:39 PM · DayZ
21stFreak added a comment to T118081: Spawning naked/losing gear after relogging.

Same Problem here, just relogged and all gear gone, exept my M4A1 (but without any Attachments)

Jun 23 2016, 5:25 PM · DayZ