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Heeadtorch Movement in "Inspect" Menu is Strange
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When you right click on a Headtorch in your inventory and click "inspect", if you try to move the headtorch around to look at it in a different angle, it circles on a wide, strange axis. By dragging it to the left or right it moves off-screen very quickly.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce

1.)Find and pick up a headtorch (any color)
2.)Right click on the headtorch and select "inspect"
3.)In the "inspect" menu, drag the headtorch around and watch the magic happen

Additional Information

I only tried this with a grey headtorch (and maybe a black one), but I assume it will carry over

Event Timeline

InfiniteConundrum edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
InfiniteConundrum set Category to Ingame UI.
InfiniteConundrum set Reproducibility to Always.
InfiniteConundrum set Severity to None.
InfiniteConundrum set Resolution to No Bug.
InfiniteConundrum set Legacy ID to 1795214629.May 8 2016, 6:34 PM
Kira added a comment.Jun 18 2014, 11:26 AM


Thank you for the report. We will look into the issue as soon as possible. Please keep testing the game and watch this issue.

Thank you!

andy added a subscriber: andy.May 8 2016, 6:34 PM
andy added a comment.Oct 29 2014, 11:50 AM

Hello Infinite Conundrum,
at the current state of the game, this is considered acceptable as it does not affect actual gameplay negatively.
Thank you for your report,